Heartfelt Friends

Heartfelt Friends is for women of all ages and stages – from 18 to 108! We are moms and daughters, sisters, friends. We are all friends who become family.
Older women become mentors and friends. Younger women become closer friends. Heartfelt Friends encourages group members to truly care for one another, to build trusting bonds, to really connect beneath a surface – level relationship as everyone seeks to grow their faith and grow closer to God.

You can join a friendly group with mentors who will take care of you, feed you, entertain you, teach you, and give you a fun and faith-filled evening once a month. You will receive lots of practical and Biblical advice and experience lovely Christian hospitality. Your hostesses for the evening will be older women who won’t let you do a thing – except show up, glow and grow.

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. Heartfelt Friends is going on right now all over the country. In homes, in churches, in relationships.

Don’t you think it’s time? Join Heartfelt Friends and link your life with a mature, godly woman who will become an older Christian friend to help you on your faith walk and be there for you through joyful times as well as the struggles. There is no room for loneliness in the family of God.

Come home. Bring your heart. To Heartfelt Friends.

Heartfelt Friends is founded on the principles of Titus 2:3-5

“Teach the older women to be reverent in the way that they live… to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

Is Your Church A Heartfelt Church?

When woman of God grow close by creating spiritually focused friendships, women in the church will then love each other. Their faith will grow stronger and so will their families. Watch the video to learn why Heartfelt Friends is so important to Joneal and how you can be apart of it.


Interested in Heartfelt?

Heartmom & Heart Sisters Meet

Once a month you will gather around the dinner table at a Heart Mom home. After dinner and loads of conversation, the Heart Mom will lead a study of the Word, prayer and Christ-centered experiences. It is a shared experience as you invest in each other’s lives in the Lord. Our goal is to have at least 3-4 Heart Moms with 6-10 Heart Sisters in each group.

Host Moms Build A Team

Heart Moms who have friends in the program may choose to work together. Each Host Mom can build a team of 3-4 to help host and mentor her Heart Group. Heart Sisters register and then are assigned a group, somewhat randomly. There are no cliques in Heartfelt or in the Lord’s church. Once your group is formed the Heart Moms for each group will meet to make plans for their Heart Group meetings and decide all the what’s, where’s and how’s. Everything that goes into planning this first Heart Group meeting.

Access to Training Workshops & Materials

The resources available to you are a step-by-step Training Manual, Joneal’s book, Heartfelt, and a DVD Video Training. The 4-hour Training Workshop is the first option to consider because all of the materials are available through the workshop. However, if this is not possible, with the materials in hand, your leaders can do your own in-house training. Please do not let the cost hinder you from starting your group. We have made the prices as low as possible. This is a ministry and we are not in this for profit. All monies go right back into supporting Heartfelt Ministries. We feel blessed by God to bring this to your church. Each Heart Mom will need one Training Manual

Honorary Heart Moms

We believe Heartfelt has been blessed with a strong ministry for over a dozen years because it is a women’s ministry for every woman in a congregation. Every woman from 18-108 has a place here. These more “mature” women are known as Honorary Heart Moms. Although they may be unable to host, prepare food, or even teach, these ladies usually have deep connections to the church and need to be valued, cherished and involved. Someone can be assigned the task of extending special invitations, arrange for them to be driven to the meetings and making a place for them in Heartfelt. One woman at Heartfelt’s founding church served in the ministry well into her 90’s and she is now 104 years old. She was valuable to teaching and mentoring the younger women in the church through our association with Heartfelt. We love our Seniors in Heartfelt!


Heartfelt Captured Moments

Click Below to Locate A Heartfelt Friend’s Program Near You

We are looking forward to helping you start Heartfelt and building deeper, richer and more spiritually-meaningful friendships among the women in your church family.
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