Heartfelt Ministries

Heartfelt Ministries gives you the practical ideas and inspiration you need to change surface-level interactions into deep relationships across generations that can change lives forever.


Dr. Joneal Kirby

Founder Heartfelt Ministries

Dr. Joneal Kirby is the founding director of Heartfelt Ministries which has seen blessings of unprecedented growth over its dozen years of service. Heartfelt Ministries is a multi-generational mentoring program based on the teachings of Titus 2:3-5.

She is a well-known conference speaker who has presented at numerous church events for over 25 years and all over the country from Malibu, California to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She speaks on topics ranging from Biblical womanhood to teaching on marriage and family issues.

- Get To Know Joneal -

Learn More About the Heartfelt Ministry

We are looking forward to helping you build deeper, richer and more spiritually-meaningful friendships among the women in your church family. Contact Us Today
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