Choosing Christmas Day Three

Choosing Christmas Day Three

Day Three

December 5

I wish I could read your individual responses to yesterday’s journal prompt. Hearing from other women is what I love about group Bible study. I learn so much from y’all! The fact is, we aren’t told why God had Gabriel reveal Elizabeth’s pregnancy to Mary; but over the next few days, I want to explore a couple possibilities that have occurred to me.

First, I see God encouraging Mary to believe in what seems impossible in her life by considering the “impossible” He is doing in the life of another woman. It’s no secret that our faith journeys encourage each other! In the first chapter of Romans, the great Apostle Paul writes this important truth for the believers at Rome: “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (verses 11–12).

3) Can you think of a time when your faith was encouraged by something happening in a friend’s life? Perhaps you saw a Facebook post or an online video that moved you? Or maybe you read a story about someone you don’t even know personally, but his or her experience encouraged you to believe? Journal about it here. If someone you know personally has encouraged your faith, consider contacting him or her with a surprise text about how their faith has impacted yours!




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