Heartfelt. Heart FULL

Heartfelt. Heart FULL


“You really need to write all these stories down!”

I’ve heard that dozens of times. I do tell lots of stories.

I’m a trainer  of sorts, a teacher. I’m a speaker.  I’m also a wife, mom, grandmother, family therapist, a friend.

And an author. Yay, God! You did that! I’m so grateful for this blessing.

I share how to be a true friend in my book. And how to have  friends.

I share stories of how a woman’s life, and her family’s life, are forever changed.

Because a brave, loving woman stood beside  her.

Took the risk of being vulnerable. Touchable. Felt her pain. Shared her  hope. Knew her struggle. Carried her burden with her.

Connected. Discipled. Loved.

My friends have given me their stories. Lisa Robertson, wife of Al, mom of Anna and Alex, grandmother to four. She knows life.

Others do too.

A new wife coping with an empty pantry and empty faith.

A struggling single woman grasping to raise her little boy.

There’s this one… she was rejected by her family, where does she turn?

And, when everything’s new in a place,  different – how to make sense of it all. Her family? Her marriage?

A wiser, older woman speaks life into her younger friend into the unknowing, questioning, inexperience, youth, immaturity. She Guides. Teaches. Loves. Pulls. Pushes. Prays.

Kay Robertson is a mentoring friend. A woman of faith and a big part of a bigger story. She paid the price. Kay knows life.

The stories in this book… oh my.


This book is about a mentoring program. But it’s not.

It is a book of faith-filled, generous women who live in close community and feel each other’s hurts and happiness.

Celebrations of new lives. Celebrations of families. Celebrations of births. New marriages. New beginnings. Fresh starts.

Smiles for everyone. Welcome hugs for all.  A friends for everyone. Every woman.

This book has stories of  amazing women who have paid a price.

The price of admission to the greatest show on earth. Happening right here in life where we all are.

It’s risky. Thrilling. Scary. Exhilarating. Spine tingling. Fun stuff.

Missy Robertson too. She knows about life. The hard stuff and the good. She knows how we women have to

reach past our own upbringing, our backgrounds, our insecurities and shyness, lack of confidence, smallish faith and reach our hearts out to one another.

Grow into women friends who pray – together . Share and stand together. Fight for our families. Save our marriages.

Struggle with, cry with, laugh and be crazy with, raise their children with, battle for their marriages, seek the Lord’s attention with, care and share with and dare to dream life can be different. Better


Prison walls.








Dead ends.

And life can be full of












Women being real. Doing life together. Real stuff. The nitty gritty of faith living. It isn’t all pretty, is it?  It’s time we get past the face we show our friends in the foyer of our church buildings.

How do you do that?

That’s here In Heartfelt.


A NEW year. Time for a new start.

Can’t wait for  NEW stories! Yippee!!! Happy New Year!

What is God going to do in your life in 2015?!!


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